
ZooMaxRED System
ZooMaxBLUE System
ZooMaxWHITE System
ZooMaxGOLD System

to Control-X Veterinary Division

Here at Control-X, we believe in offering the best quality equipment to our customer so they can perform the best quality medical service.



Are you are interested in becoming one of our Dealer Distributors?

We are seeking committed partners who can provide good sales, installation and after sales service support for our line in their respective markets as Dealer Distributors.

If you wish to become one of our Dealer Distributors, please let us know more details about your organization and specific interests in our line by sending your company profile. Also please go to the Dealer Application section of our web site and complete the information requested and return it to us for evaluation. This helps us to learn more about your company especially the present range of your activities and those manufacturers and product lines you presently represent. Upon receipt of your completed application and profile information we can best advise how we can proceed.

Are you an end user?

If you are the end user of our products we will be pleased to direct you to our closest distributor.


Copyright © 2006 Control-X Veterinary Division

Web design, development and hosting by Desiant